AIGA Austin and BookPeople are proud to welcome Eight and a Half founder Bonnie Siegler, for a discussion of her latest book, SIGNS OF RESISTANCE: A VISUAL HISTORY OF PROTEST IN AMERICA. Find out how past generations have dealt with anger and rage in America and used their powers for good. Bonnie will then participate in a panel moderatedContinue reading “Book Speaking Event – Signs of Resistance: A Visual History of Protest in America”
Category Archives: Events
Create a simple mobile app with AngularJS and Dreamweaver CC 2018
Dreamweaver is an Adobe development tool for creating, managing and publishing websites and mobile content. AngularJS is a free easy-to-use open source JavaScript framework that is used to create dynamic web sites. It is mainly maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing Single-Page ApplicationsContinue reading “Create a simple mobile app with AngularJS and Dreamweaver CC 2018”
Austin Creative Jam Meet Up
Join Create ATX at the Adobe Creative Jam Date/Time: Thursday, Feb 15, 2018, 7pm-10pm Location: Gather – 5540 N LAMAR BLVD, AUSTIN, TX The Adobe Creative Cloud team will host the Creative Jam presentations. This one-hour design showcase highlights the work of 3 creative leaders. At the same time, in the next room, hand-picked Designers willContinue reading “Austin Creative Jam Meet Up”
InDesign workflows with Tom Berglie
Explore several aspects of InDesign linked files, based on real world design projects. Among the topics covered, we’ll reveal some ‘secrets’ of the Links panel, relink files to a new folder, and to a different file extension. We’ll also set up the Preflight panel to be able to detect more image related errors. Finally, we’llContinue reading “InDesign workflows with Tom Berglie”