Adobe Firefly Overview

San Diego User Group is hosting an informative session regarding Adobe Firefly. Meeting Date is May 24th, 2023, at 7:30pm CST Check out this event here:

Creating MOGRT templates for Adobe Premiere Pro

During this presentation, Jon Merrifield will review the creation and implementation of graphics and lower-third titles in Premiere Pro utilizing the essential graphics panel. He will cover and specifically review creation of MOGRT (motion graphic template) files in Premiere Pro, as well as details for team sharing. A couple of tricks for social media graphicContinue reading “Creating MOGRT templates for Adobe Premiere Pro”

Dreamweaver: slicker than slime time saving tips, techniques and tools

This presentation will show you time-saving tips, techniques, and tools in Dreamweaver for all user levels Beginner: Productive Dreamweaver Shortcuts Quick-Tag Editor in Desing View Using Multiple Cursors Code Editor Tips How to Use Tag Chooser to select tag effectively How to use the Link Checker Intermediate: How to use the  DOM Panel to selectContinue reading “Dreamweaver: slicker than slime time saving tips, techniques and tools”

Dreamweaver and Bootstrap 4 for Designers Who Code

Learn how to create modern, responsive web pages from scratch using a combination of Bootstrap components and a set of intuitive tools that cater to designers who need to code. Join Roman Villarreal, principal of Lumenbrite and a MAX Master, to discover the latest and coolest updates to Bootstrap 4 and get an introduction toContinue reading “Dreamweaver and Bootstrap 4 for Designers Who Code”

Illustrator Variable Data Techniques

Explore the unique benefits of Illustrator’s variety of variable-data with a demonstration of a sample workflow: the creation of alternate layout advertisement designs for a frozen yogurt chain with unique file names, all from a spreadsheet! About the Presenter: Vasily Hall (LinkedIn profile) is a Dallas area Adobe Illustrator user and graphic arts workflow automation professional. SinceContinue reading “Illustrator Variable Data Techniques”

Hot Rods, Music, Monsters and Design with Andy Cruz & Coop

Hear Andy Cruz of House Industries and artist Chris Cooper talk Hot Rods, Music, Monsters and Design. Coop and Cruz will expose their bad influences and how they’ve avoided growing up and getting “real” jobs by turning their personal interests into art and design careers. Thursday, April 5, 2018 Schedule: 7:00 Doors Open 7:30 LecutureContinue reading “Hot Rods, Music, Monsters and Design with Andy Cruz & Coop”